“The reliability of IBEW electricians is critical to us. We simply can’t have mistakes, no matter how complex the work. The IBEW is very well trained in terms of skillset and safety, and in general they are very highly educated.”
- Terry Moore, VP Electrical of Trade Mark Industrial Inc.
As of April 8, 2017, IBEW Local 804 is celebrating 75 years of safe, reliable electrical services in the Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge area. Close to 200 members and clients attended anniversary celebration at their new hall on October 25.
“I’m very, very proud. It’s an honour to be in the position I am in now,” said Mark Watson, Business Manager for the Local. “It’s also an awesome responsibility to maintain our history and our strong commitment to our community, and I plan to help keep us strong and moving forward for the future.”
Local 804’s Business Manager Mark Watson cuts the cake at the 75th Anniversary celebration with the help of Eptcon’s Manager of Labour Relations and Contracts, Graeme Aitken.
IBEW Local 804 was chartered in 1942, and since then it has been involved with almost every major construction project in the Kitchener-Waterloo-Guelph area.
Watson can cite an impressive list of projects his local has been involved with. “Our members wired three local universities – Waterloo, Guelph, Wilfrid Laurier, and Conestoga College. We did the electrical for the very first full-scale nuclear generating station in Canada at Douglas Point, and the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station.
“Most of the hospitals and schools in the area have our wiring in them, as does the original Stratford Theatre. We also worked on our international airport, and have just completed our local LRT project.”
Local 804 celebration attendees.
Now over 1,300 members strong, Local 804 moved to a new facility in 2015 that boasts an expanded training facility.
“Training and safety have always been a cornerstone for us,” says Watson. “They make us more productive and safer workers. Our no strikes and no lockouts collective agreement has also been a big plus when it comes to working for our clients.”
IBEW Local 804 has an ongoing partnership with Trade Mark Industrial Inc, an Electrical Contractors Association of Central Ontario (ECACO) contractor.
Providing commercial, municipal, and provincial projects in the area, Trade Mark Industrial Inc. has an enviable list of clients. These include Toyota, Canada’s Wonderland, the University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University, Linamar, Safety Kleen, and the Chatham-Kent Public Utilities Commission/Entegrus Group — just to name a few.
“For new mission critical installs at Toyota, entire production lines have to be shut down and deadlines are extremely tight. Millions of dollars are on the line if there’s a delay,” explains Terry Moore, VP Electrical of Trade Mark Industrial Inc.. “Our electrical division counts on IBEW electricians because of their proven ability to deliver the highest possible quality work under extreme time pressure.”
Terry Moore, VP Electrical of Trade Mark Industrial Inc., with Patty Demonte (left) and Michelle Esposito (right) of IBEW CCO tour the new training facility.
“There have been times when the IBEW has helped us do the impossible, and do it on schedule. The IBEW always delivers,” says Moore.
Trade Mark Industrial’s relationship with the IBEW extends back to its founding in 1998.
“We voluntarily signed the agreement with the IBEW,” says Moore, who has been with Trade Mark since 2000. “We believe in the union. We all come from union backgrounds – in fact I am a member of IBEW 804 myself.
“As a manager, I’d like to congratulate IBEW 804 on making it to this milestone,” Moore comments, when asked about his feelings on the 75th Anniversary. “As a member, I am proud to share it. I am looking forward to many more years of success.”
IBEW Local 804 is also very active in local charity work, particularly for Habitat for Humanity. The members have wired over 60 homes for low income families to date.
Doug Richards, retired IBEW 804 electrician and HabitatWR volunteer, accepts a plaque from Build Manager of HabitatWR, Darrell Bauman.
“For the past 12 years, IBEW has been partnering with Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Region through significant participation as volunteers,” said Darrell Bauman, Build Manager for Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Region.
“The IBEW crew are always a welcome addition on site. Volunteers, families and staff appreciate this ongoing help in building homes and community for deserving hard working low income families. HabitatWR’s mission is to break the cycle of poverty through home ownership. Their commitment makes this possible.”
The younger members of Local 804 are active in support of the Food Bank. The Next Gen committee holds benefit events and does additional food drives every year.
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